Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alompak Ago Go

I bolted awake, instinctively felt for my phone and squinted myopically at the time.
Ahh.. late. Convenient excuse to drive like a maniac.

I got there two songs into Oddstars' set. First thing I noticed was the vocalist's new pixie haircut. Very flattering I must say. Her vocals have also undergone marked improvement from the last time I caught them at Laundry. I thought the band sounded terribly messy and unpolished though. New line up perhaps? I'm not too sure.

And then there was Skudap Skudip! Hailing all the way from Klang, they experienced a rousing welcome from the over eager crowd. I've never heard of them prior to that night, but I am now officially a fan! Fusing ska influences with punk and good humor, Skudap Skudip had the crowd bopping, head bashing and having an awesome good time.

So. Much. Hair.

Zip Zieler was up next, ripping out track after track of hard rocking guitar licks and growling vocals. Only one word to describe the frontman. Savage.
It was a first for me watching a hippie clad dood go on a demon tongue wagging spree. It was utterly convincing but had me in stitches! Big thumbs up to good showmanship!

Ira was there to close the night. She was launching the release of her video which features a lot of sultry gazes and angst ridden pouts. I couldn't really hear the song though. The volume was a tad insipid.
The rest of her set that night though had a sort of melancholic, goth undertone which was often cut through with evil distorted guitars.
She was backed by Edwin of TWKUA and Eddy of Triple6Poser.

It's the end of the month! This week, it's Crossborders!

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